Our Services

Seismic Instrumention
Development, fabrication, manufacturing and deployment of seismic instrumentation with the objective to collect seismic data, process it for issuing warning for natural such as earthquakes, landslides and floods, interpretation and generating reports form seismological studies. Many of the basic equipment have been patented. For One of the unit, IIT Roorkee has give n Transfer of Technology to SHRI.

Seismic Hazard Assessment
Estimation of Seismic Hazard using deterministic as well as probabilistic approach.Site Specific design earthquake parameters studies for dams, nuclear power plant, thermal power plants, mega engineering projects, bridges, hospitals, and any other engineering project.

Seismic Risk Assessment
Estimation of vulnerability of buildings/structures using earthquake engineering methodology. Seismic Risk will be assess using vulnerability, seismic hazard and the exposure.

Strong ground motion calculator (GMPE)
Estimate the expected ground motion at a site during an earthquake using Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPE). This tool helps in assessing the impact of seismic waves on structures.

Earthquake Intensity Calculator
Calculate the intensity of an earthquake at a specific location based on recorded data. This tool translates seismic activity into tangible effects on the environment and infrastructure.

Retrofitting master
A comprehensive guide to retrofitting buildings for better earthquake resilience. This tool offers tailored solutions to strengthen structures and minimize damage during earthquakes.

Damage calculator
Estimate potential damage to structures and infrastructure following an earthquake. This tool helps in assessing the extent of damage based on seismic intensity and structural vulnerability.

Natural Hazard Warning Services
We provide intelligent warning in case of natural hazard including earthquakes , landslides and floods etc. In these services SHRI deploy the hardware and the software in the hazard prone area and provide paid services for issuance of intelligent warning to the customers.